
New mini course

Unlocking the Secrets of Multi-Orgasmic Experiences

shallow focus photography of red rose

The Essence course helped me to rewrite how I relate to my own unique essence. It gave me many tools to stay connected to my orgasmic genius. Sheryl’s voice is a portal to the feminine dimension and her knowledge is very grounding. I find her personal experiences very inspiring and uplifting. I am very grateful that she decided to share this extremely valuable information with the world. I am looking forward to meeting her in person on day and keep learning from her!

– Jen Mendizabal.

Unlock your most powerful authentic essence. To Maximize Your Potential,
Maximize Pleasure

Essence ~ an OYoga journey through the 7 chakras to transcendent states.

Stay turned on by life!

Imagine feeling incredibly liberated and free to be the person you know yourself to be, able to express your souls desires and live your life on your terms; turned on by life!

Essence ~ an OYoga journey through the 7 chakras to transcendent states. Monthly subscription of $19.95 includes downloadable audio lessons and meditations.

OYoga is a portal to your unconscious, a connection to your genius, a journey in to the flow state, that takes you deeper into your soul and heightens your awareness.

We explore

  • Decontaminating your sexual narratives
  • Altered and transcendent states
  • The power of vows and intentions
  • Orgasmic Flow Chakra Meditation
  • Tapping into Your Inner Pleasure
  • Unlocking the Secrets of Multi-Orga$mic Experiences
  • Shadow work and the incredible power of your Taboo Persona
  • How altered states can be healing
  • Sensual Communication
  • Couple healing
  • Dealing with shame and $exual trauma
  • Setting Boundaries in Relationships
  • Boundaries and Rejection
  • Intuition and returning to your authentic essence
  • Magic for manifesting
  • Our unconscious beliefs shape our desires
  • Research conducted into transcendental experiences

Submersing yourself in OYoga is the ultimate relaxation state that will free your mind and body, liberating your soul.

Knowing your own pleasure is essential to creating the love life you actually desire and crave

Essence ONLINE on demand is now available with your monthly membership of $19.95 includes downloadable audio lessons and meditations.

I will never view sensuality, pleasure and life in the same way again. I can’t believe I subscribed to societies conditioned fear response to $exuality for so long. Pleasure is now my priority and living from a place of turn on never felt soooo good .

— Emily. P, Melbourne

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